Let's hop on my blog express and take a quantum leap instead. That should cheer me up.
Here we go traveling through space and time.
Hang on. It may be a wild ride!
Well, we safely landed in Oklahoma circa 1971.
My mom took this picture before church. Don't we look like extras on the set of the Brady Bunch? I love my dad's aviator glasses. He was too cool. Back then, my brother had a mini dirt-bike, my sister had an easy bake oven and I inflicted my will on everyone else. I was the littlest one but the best at getting attention.
These were the good old days before David came into this world with the intent of taking away my spotlight. Um, excuse me. I am meant to be adored with my Shirley Temple curls and dimples. All eyes on me, please. Life is cruel. I begged my mom to take him back to the hospital.
Don't you love our dresses? Throughout all the ups and downs in life, my mom always made sure we had the cutest clothes. Almost any occasion called for a new dress. Friend's 6th birthday party? New dress. Piano recital? New dress. Grandma is coming to visit? New dress. Funeral? New dress. First day of school? New dress. School play? New dress. And on and on and on. I remember my childhood in terms of what dress I was wearing.
My mom made sure we had the latest footwear fashions as well. A couple of years after this picture was taken I was in first grade. In Oklahoma, the elementary school kids annually re-enact the great Oklahoma land rush. We were to dress as pioneers on that day. We were supposed to wear boots. I knew when my mom sent me to school wearing a pair of white patent leather go-go boots that it somehow wasn't right. Yet, no one seemed to notice my Granny Clampet meets Goldie Hawn look. It was on that playground that I learned one of the most useful fashion truisms to be known. No matter how ridiculous your outfit, wear it with confidence and people will think you are hip. This was 25 years before Sex and the City. Thanks Mom!