It must have been my lucky day. Remember how I mentioned that I needed a pasta maker? Well there it was. For under $4.00.
It looked like it was in pretty decent shape.
I googled it and this baby sold for $200 in 1989. Chase was born in 1989. That was a good year. Well, except for my hair, clothes and makeup.
Yes, he had a high chair. We were at a hotel in this photo. Don't judge. Well, you can judge my hair. How could you not?
Back to the pasta:
I gotta tell you, I was thoroughly entertained watching the pasta come out. That was worth the $4 by itself.
It is a pretty sophisticated piece of equipment. It even dries the pasta as it comes out.
It turned out okay but not as good as the handmade pasta from a few weeks ago. It was on the soggy side. Any ideas about what I did wrong?
Linking to Blogeritaville for Thrifty Thursday and to Southern Hospitality.