Mother's Day Recap

Hope all you mammas and mamma fans had a happy day!

I had a fabulous day with family and friends.  Of course my mom and Eric were here as were my brother Mike and family, my crew and our good friend, Elizabeth. My sweet in-laws could not come because my MIL has jury duty tomorrow morning.  I say convict them,  whatever they did : )


There were a lot of flowers:

In addition to flowers, Chase gave me this:

We ate a lot of good food.

 We laughed a lot:

We got silly drinking this:

Which may or may not have led to some cheating while playing this:

While that was going on, the outdoorsmen preferred to do this:

Hope it was a good one for you and your family too!


PS. It is Lorraine's 40th birthday today. Woot-Woot!! Put yo hands in the air. Does it make me mean if I am glad she has joined the 40s ranks with me?

Happy Birthday Lorraine!

Mucho love,