My two nieces, Tara and Mia are home from college for the summer. They are skinny girls with lots of energy. I thought of a highly strategic plan for us to do a little bonding whilst they get some charity credits at the same time.
Project "Get Aunt Lori's Fat Arse in Shape" has commenced. The way I see it, college kids are always looking to contribute to "causes" to beef up their resumes, right? I am just trying to help them out. Plus they go to a Christian college, so they are expected to help those in need and do so with a cheerful heart. Luckily for them, I am in dire need of a trainer and some skinny-girl motivation. Its a win-win situation really.
I called Mia last night to see if it was on.
Me: Are you guys still up for my training session?
Mia: Yes. But what time do you get up? Because I have to go somewhere. I need to go early.
Me: I get up early. What time?
Mia: Well I have to be somewhere by 1. So I am thinking about 9.
College kids : )
They did show up this morning! I was so happy. Off we went.
Chase was our reluctant photojournalist.
Murphy just got in the way.
ignore that deck. i am replacing it this summer.
Meet my hard-core trainers, Jillian I and Jilliann II. In between power sprints, we laughed about shake weights, college life and tattoos.
Mia kept telling me to suck it in. Hmmmm. Mia honey, there is only so much you can suck.
My goal is simple. I plan on being a bikini model by the end of the summer. Either that or not to cry when I put on shorts. One or the other.
No problemo.
HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO! oh and a shout out to my friend Cindy who is in Mexico for her 50th. Today is her birthday. She is hanging at my dad's bar "Kelley's" in Cozumel. Wish I was there.
Happy Birthday Cindy!